Birdline North Queensland
Published sightings for the week ending 9 Dec 2012.
Fri 7 Dec
Sooty Owl
Mt Lewis, lower slopes
1 (Lesser Sooty Owl) seen on lower reaches. Also Papuan Frogmouth and possible Masked (?) Owl heard. (Moderator Note: Masked Owl tenuous heard at a distance, recorded as possible).
Dave Torr, Christine Shelley, Iian Denham, Chloe Youl
Sarus Crane
Emerald Falls Rd (Mareeba)
At least 5 in a flock of 50 or so Brolga - 5km down road from Henry Hannam Drive, Mareeba.
Dave Torr, Christine Shelley, Iian Denham, Chloe Youl
Red Goshawk
Outskirts of Hope Vale
Perched on a dead snag beside road at 15.2983, 145.0931.
Chris Wiley
Thu 6 Dec
Great Knot
30 Black Gully Road, Tinaroo
Great Knot
Norton Gill
White-winged Chough
Prairie QLD 10' Cell
White-winged Chough (2) seen in garden in Prarie by residents Tom & Andrea Duddy (per Alexandra Canton). Unusual in area.
Alexandra Canton
Black-tailed Native-hen
Black-tailed Native-hen good numbers among over 200 Purple Swamphens and a few Dusky Moorhen in paddocks near the dam. Water level still fairly high; very hot ~37*C
Alexandra Canton
Noisy Pitta
Belgian Gardens, Townsville
Foraging in suburban garden.
Marjory Cook via Keith Fisher
Wed 5 Dec
Spotted Whistling-Duck
Wonga Beach
11 on dam on "For Sale" block opposite Bowman Rd. Easily seen from road. (Moderator Note: Please view from road and don't trespass on private property. There have been problems with neighbours previously).
Dave Torr, Christine Shelley, Iian Denham, Chloe Youl
Oriental Cuckoo
Yorkey's Knob
Went to golf course to look for recently reported Cotton Pygmy-goose, no sign but 2 rufous female Oriental Cuckoo.
Dave Torr, Christine Shelley, Iian Denham,, Chloe Youl
Tue 4 Dec
Black-winged Monarch
Mt Cook National Park - east side
(1) adult male seen and heard, at the Gap coming into Cooktown
Previous sighing of this species at same location in early April this year
Kath Shurcliff & Dave Houghton
Sun 2 Dec
Little Curlew
France Rd turf farm, Edmonton.
One individual this afternoon.
Chris Wiley
Fri 30 Nov
Great-billed Heron
Kingfisher Park Birdwatchers Lodge
Adult seen in Bushy Creek, twice and once flying over lodge grounds. We presume these birds which turn up most years come down the Mitchell River System from the Gulf of Carpentaria. We are on the western side of the great divide with no river/creek systems flowing to the coast.
Keith Fisher
| Birdline North Queensland is sponsored by BirdLife Northern Queensland and BirdLife Townsville and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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