I couldn't access the photos - maybe one has to be a Facebook member to do
so, which rules me out!
On 9 November 2012 13:29, Jeff Crocombe <> wrote:
> Hi.
> I live on the campus of Pacific Adventist University outside of Port
> Moresby in PNG. Given that there are no birding lists for PNG, I hope
> you'll forgive my email. I am hoping someone can help me with a the ID of
> the Plovers (Pluvialis sp.) that are currently on campus. Are they
> Pluvialis dominica or Pluvialis fulva? Or have I got it really wrong & they
> are Pluvialis squatarola? I have uploaded photos:
> https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151244317599802.480427.802839801&type=1&l=b3a368d332I'd
> appreciate any ID help.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Crocombe
> http://pngnature.wordpress.com/
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