
Possum trapping and releasing

To: "Richard King" <>
Subject: Possum trapping and releasing
From: Bill Stent <>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2012 05:50:49 +1000
That is correct, Richard.

The law says that in order to prevent unnecessary possum deaths, you have to 
release them within 50 metres AND on the same property where they were 

The way you're meant to do it, is have the possum man come around, inspect your 
house for holes where possums can sneak in, close them up, and set traps in the 
roof to boot out any possums left inside.  Then you install a possum box or two 
in convenient nearby trees.  This whole process doesn't normally cost much, 
unless you've got a roof full of possum holes.

Possums are territorial, meaning the ones you evict a short distance will 
survive quite happily, and they'll also keep others away.  However, relocate 
them a larger distance and they don't do well.  I understand that far from 
deserving a medal, Landscape Woman has most probably caused the death of this 

Remember, unlike in New Zealand, possums are a protected native species, at 
least here in Victoria.


PS, I've been "severely chastised" by the other moderators for setting a poor 
example and starting a non-birding thread.  Sorry!

From: Richard King 
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 8:01 PM
Subject: Possum trapping and releasing

Tell me if I understand this wrong, that you can only release a possum 
basically on your property or have a 'pest controller' deal with them (who 
won't release it somewhere else)? If that's the case, this 'Landscape 
Woman'(and anyone else doing it), deserves a medal!


Richard King


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