Birdline Tasmania
Published sightings for the week ending 26 Aug 2012.
Sat 25 Aug
White-bellied Sea-Eagle - Juvenile
Rosny Hill - Eastern Shore Hobart
Stayed over Rosny Hill for a minute then flew towards the Tasman Bridge.
Stuart Smith
Between Hagley and Carrick
Approximately 50 individuals of this common, but generally thinly dispersed species, congregated on farm irrigation dam beside Bass Highway.
Shirley Tongue
Tue 21 Aug
Forty-spotted Pardalote
University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay Campus
Small flock of pardalotes in the white gums in the small stand of bush along TT Flynn St (next to the life sciences building). I didn't get a good look at them, as I didn't have bins, but recognised their call, and immediately confirmed it when I got in to work (2 minutes later).
Jeremy O'Wheel
| Birdline Tasmania is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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