Birdline Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 5 Aug 2012.
Thu 2 Aug
Flock Bronzewing
Sandfire Roadhouse, Great Northern Highway, Western Australia
Saw at least 20 flocks perhaps 1,000 birds crossing the Great Northern Highway about 15km north of Sandfire Roadhouse, travelling east. They were flying low 20 to 30 meters up and landing about 1 km east of the road.
Also numerous Australian Pratincoles and Red-capped Plovers on the roadside verges.
Ben Weston
Sat 21 Jul
Grey Falcon
Alice Springs Sewage Ponds, Northern Territory
Grey falcon flew overhead for 3 - 4 minutes, swooped and stooped before flying over the range off to the south.
Max Arney, Greg Hunt, Philip Jackson, Frank Mitchell, Russell Thomson
| Birdline Australia is sponsored by Birdlife Australia and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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