Birdline South Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 13 May 2012.
Wed 9 May
Malleefowl, Hooded Plover, Purple-gaped Honeyeater, Rufous Bristlebird, Southern Scrub-Robin
Salt Creek 10' Cell
Malleefowl (2) foraging on edge of open area near mound
Hooded Plover (9) on small salt lake, incl. 1 imm.
Purple-gaped Honeyeater
Rufous Bristlebird (1) scurrying across the road at Salt Creek
Southern Scrub-Robin
Peter Waanders
Mon 7 May
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface, Banded Whiteface, Thick-billed and Eyrean Grasswrens, Flock Bronzewing
Strzelecki Track
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface (3) at Two Gates site Mt Lyndhurst and Thick-billed Grasswren at old mine site. Eyrean Grasswren and Flock Bronzewing at Montecollina bore. Cinnamon Quail-thrush, Crimson and Orange Chats all very common along the whlole track. Banded Whiteface, Pied and Black Honeyeaters and 20 plus Blue-Winged Parrots east off Merty Merty turn-off, towards Cameron's Corner.
Tim Faulkner, Scott Ryan, John Weigel
Mon 30 Apr
Scarlet-chested Parrot (3 sightings in SA on 2 separate days)
Anne Beadell Highway - Great Victoria Desert
Sighting one (SA) on 30/4 at 8:15am; a female perched on a dead branch facing me about 75 metres from our first camp. This was in Tallaringa Conservation Area, SA. (Lat/Long S 028° 57’ 58.28” E 133° 01’ 27.28”) Sighting two (SA) on 1/5 at 8:00am at our camp was of a male and female on a low dune crest/swale. I admit here I used playback but no other time. I took a few photos that are ok. Good views for a few minutes then they flew off and the female landed on a dead branch nearby (Lat/Long S 028° 33° 11.56” E 131° 53’ 1.29”). Sighting three (SA) was in the Woomera Prohibited area on 1/5 before 9:30 sometime? This was 3 Km west of Anne’s Corner; two males flew into a dead tree fairly close to track so we had good views for a few minutes. - Carla Jackett
Carla and Ian Jackett
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