Having migrated to Adelaide, I staunchly refused to go looking for these
ferals, but assumed (or feared, especially when approaching "landmark
numbers") that I would run across them sooner or later. Six years later I
still haven't. And I'm still not trying!
Kevin Stracey
North Adelaide
On 25 March 2012 15:54, Russ Lamb <> wrote:
> Thanks to all those who provided info. on Barbary Dove sites in Adelaide.
> I failed spectacularly, seeing more Barbary sheep (Adelaide & Monarto zoos)
> than I did doves. The following sites were visited, some a number of times:
> Magazine Rd, Dry Creek
> Sampson Rd., Elizabeth
> Roscommon Rd, Salisbury
> OG Road, Klemzig (Costless Plants, where I was gleefully informed on each
> visit "they were here last week")
> 54 Oaklands Rd, Somerton Rd, Oaklands Park
> Ballara Ave, Warradale
> 10 Lily Ave, Campbelltown
> Durant St/Netherby Ave, Plympton
> Cnr. Oaklands & Diagonal Rds., Somerton Park
> Emma St, Marino Rocks
> Greenfields Wetlands carpark.
> My spouse/navigator became increasingly bemused and disinterested, but
> not before asking how did I know they weren't in adjoining streets, a
> completely reasonable question for which I had, wisely, no answer. Having
> reacquainted myself with Adelaide's streetology,I am resisting the urge to
> apply for an taxi licence.
> Needless to say, I am NOT interested in hearing who may have seen this
> abomination of a bird in Adelaide in recent weeks.
> Sheepishly,
> Russ Lamb, Maleny,SEQ
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