That one's paragraphs look ok, but of those three email formats, Rich Text is
the one I've had most trouble with in the past.
If the problems continue, perhaps try Plain Text or, if you want to be able to
format the text, HTML.
Peter Shute
Sent using BlackBerry
From: John Graff
To: Peter Shute;
Sent: Sat Jan 21 16:15:30 2012
Subject: Formatting
Thanks for the responses
If it's coming through alright for others, then that's the main thing!
Peter, I just use Hotmail, it says Rich Text on the format choice (the others
are Plain Text and Edit in HTML)
> From:
> To: ;
> Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 18:40:57 +1100
> Subject: RE: [Birding-Aus] Formatting
> What program are you using to create them? Do you know if you're creating
> them in Plain Text, HTML or RTF formats?
> I think the list server might strip out HTML formatting, so perhaps that's
> the culprit if your email program is relying on fomatting codes rather than
> actual carriage returns.
> Peter Shute
> ________________________________________
> From:
> On Behalf Of John Graff
> Sent: Friday, 20 January 2012 3:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Formatting
> On a completely unrelated note - for a while now e-mails I send to
> Birding-Aus come back to me as a single lump of text with all paragraphs etc.
> gone. Do my e-mails come through to everyone else like that? If so, any ideas
> on what's going on and how I can solve it? John
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