Published sightings for the week ending 15 Jan 2012.
Sun 15 Jan
Australian Hobby
Aranda Snow Gums Nature Park
For over half an hour from about 8:30, we watched an Australian Hobby near a nest containing at least one large young Hobby looking about. The adult repeatedly chased off Sulphur-crested Cockatoos which kept returning to the very tall nest tree.
This was the same tree and nest we mentioned in what we now regard as a mistaken report of Peregrine Falcons on 20 November 2011. We had excellent views today: the adult's rufous breast was very evident.
Rick Kuhn and Mary Gorman
Sat 14 Jan
Swamp Harrier
Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve
Swamp Harrier (2) Male and female over the wetlands area behind the weir in The Sanctuary
Frank Antram
Pink-eared Duck, Blue-billed Duck, Baillon's Crake, Spotless Crake
Fyshwick Sewage Treatment Plant
Tim Robinson
Superb Parrot
Hawker Ovals
About 50 with dependent young
Paul Fennell
Fri 13 Jan
Australian Hobby
Fyshwick Ponds
Today at theFyshwick ponds a Australian Hobby hunting for small birds,
Roger Williams
Gang-gang Cockatoo
Callum Brae
One male, one female near Narrabundah Lane entrance, circa 7 am.
Margaret Leggoe
Thu 12 Jan
Spotless Crake
Fyshwick sewage treatment works
Photos taken today of a Spotless Crake family. There were 2 adults and 2 chicks.
Roger Williams
Wed 11 Jan
Red-capped Robin, Diamond Firetail
Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve, Gungahlin
Red-capped Robin (2) brown bird feeding a fledgling
Diamond Firetail (6) included at least 2 juveniles
Steve Holliday
Murrays Corner
Grazing in small clearing 20 metres from road. We pulled over quietly but emu looked up and fled.
John K. Layton
Musk Duck
Yerrabi Pond
Musk Duck (1) Female
Alastair Smith
Brown Treecreeper, Southern Whiteface, Diamond Firetail
Kama Nature Reserve
Brown Treecreeper (3) One with bands
Southern Whiteface (2)
Diamond Firetail (2) on an otherwise blustery day.
Alastair Smith
Tue 10 Jan
White-necked Heron
Molonglo River
White-necked Heron (1)
Brendan Sheean
Little Eagle
Fyshwick sewage ponds
A singe bird (pale morph) flying over the ponds then over the Kellys Swamp
Roger Williams
Mon 9 Jan
Swamp Harrier
Cnr Corin Road and Tidbinbilla Road
Swamp Harrier (1) adult
Alastair Smith
Azure Kingfisher
Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve
Azure Kingfisher observed along the creek down from the platypus viewing platform.
Alastair Smith
White-necked Heron
Coree, Uriarra Road/Mountain Creek Road junction
White-necked Heron (1)
Alastair Smith
Sun 8 Jan
Whistling Kite
Cotter Dam
Whistling Kite (1) 1 seen along Cotter Rd.
Brendan Sheean
Australian Spotted Crake, Spotless Crake
Fyshwick Sewage Treatment Plant
Australian Spotted Crake (1)
Spotless Crake (1) heard
Alastair Smith
Nankeen Night-Heron, Royal Spoonbill
Kelly's Swamp & Jerrabomberra Wetland, Fyshwick
Nankeen Night-Heron (3)
Royal Spoonbill (3)
Alastair Smith
Sun 20 Nov
Australian Hobby
Paddock south of Aranda Bushland
A pair at a large stick nest in tall gum. They both chased off cockies so there may be chicks. [Moderator's comment: Originally reported as Peregrine Falcon but later corrected by observer (15/1/12).]
Rick Kuhn and Mary Gorman