Birdline South Australia
Published sightings for the week ending 24 Jul 2011.
Sun 24 Jul
Australasian Gannet, Hooded Plover
Maslin Beach
Australasian Gannet (1) flying across sea at quite some distance from shore, no diving/fishing observed - flying outh to north.
Hooded Plover (2) south of Maslin Ck. terminus within 'unclad' section of Maslin Beach. 10-15 metres away from shoreline, sitting amongst the dark debris washed on shore. Observed foraging at water's edge after 20 minutes of viewing.
David Hartland
Sat 23 Jul
Scarlet-chested Parrot
Gluepot Reserve
a pair checking nest hollows
Helga Kieskamp
Fri 22 Jul
Black-chinned Honeyeater
Angas River, Strathalbyn
Two foraging in River Red and SA Blue Gums along the banks of the Angas River, opposite Bosisto Lane.
Nat Doecke
Wed 20 Jul
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface, Banded Whiteface, Southern Whiteface
Strzelecki track
A 3-whiteface day: 2 Chestnut-breasted at Mt Lyndhurst, 7 Banded Whiteface (actively foraging) in the white sand dunes, and 2 Southern Whiteface at one of the many creek crossings.
Peter Waanders
Wed 13 Jul
Buff-Banded Rail
Reynella East, 5161
Male bird seen at creek opening 16.45 hrs.
Headless body of bird found following day.
William Brooker
| Birdline South Australia is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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