
Birdline Northern Territory Weekly Update

Subject: Birdline Northern Territory Weekly Update
Date: 4 Jul 2011 01:30:27 +1000

Birdline Northern Territory

Published sightings for the week ending 3 Jul 2011.

Sun 3 Jul Rainbow Lorikeet Elsey National Park (Bitter Springs), Mataranka
Rainbow Lorikeet (2) red-collared variety. Flew up from roadside as car passed into tree just outside Springs side of caravan park.
Richard Waring

Mon 27 Jun Gouldian Finch, Hooded Parrot Edith Falls Road
About 20 Gouldians and many Hooded Parrots (in groups of 8-10 coming to drink, probably 35+ all-up) at the Edith Falls road "creek site" (5km along from hwy) yesterday between 1630 and 1730. One red-headed Gouldian plus several juvs. Also a possible juvenile Pictorella Mannikin as well as Masked, Long-tailed and Double-bar Fincjes. I was surprised to see these birds given the abundance of water still around up here at the moment.
Mick Roderick

Red Goshawk Edith Falls (Top Falls)
Single bird seen twice, first of all over the escarpment on the Sweetwater Pool walk (about 100m along), then seen soaring again over the Top Pools. About an hour later when further along the track I briefly saw 2 distant raptors which did not look unlike Red Goshawks, so there could be a pair in the area. Also, the Woolybutts are flowering along the track and with it an explosion of young Banded Honeyeaters seems to have occurred, with many (100+) birds seen, with only one bird being adult.
Mick Roderick

Sun 26 Jun Black Shouldered Kites Angas Downs Indigenous Protected Area
2 separately. Both seen from main roads - Luritja Rd and Ernest Giles Road.
Jennifer Smits

Fri 24 Jun Gouldian Finch Warloch Rest Area, 25km south of Mataranka
Single juv Gouldian amongst a flock of Long-tailed / Masked Finches (95% LT) coming in to drink at the pool beneath the water tank tap at the Warloch Rest Area.
Mick Roderick

Birdline Northern Territory is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.


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