Birdline Northern Territory
Published sightings for the week ending 24 Jul 2011.
Tue 12 Jul
Rainbow Pitta
Douglas Daly
Rainbow Pitta (1) bird in river overflow near Douglas Daly campground
Richard Waring
Mon 27 Jun
Red Goshawk
Edith Falls (Top Falls)
Single bird seen twice, first of all over the escarpment on the Sweetwater Pool walk (about 100m along), then seen soaring again over the Top Pools. About an hour later when further along the track I briefly saw 2 distant raptors which did not look unlike Red Goshawks, so there could be a pair in the area. Also, the Woolybutts are flowering along the track and with it an explosion of young Banded Honeyeaters seems to have occurred, with many (100+) birds seen, with only one bird being adult.
Mick Roderick
| Birdline Northern Territory is sponsored by Eremaea Birds and co-ordinated and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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