Hi friends,
I am delighted to say that my website, http://www.worldbirdinfo.net
<http://www.worldbirdinfo.net/> is back. What happened is tthat while I was
away on a birding cruise in the Russian far east, my ISP shifted my website
to a new server. I did not know about this until I got back last Thursday
(July 14). I put the new addresses into my registration site, but it took a
few days for the various search engines to pick this up.
I have just done some amendments to my account of the Spoonbill Sandpiper
Eurynorhynchus pygmeus, which I was very privileged to see on its breeding
grounds during the trip. Specifically, five of us found two breeding
territories at a site never before surveyed, well south of Meinilpygino.
This has wider importance for the species, since I would guess that there
might be up to 5 or 6 breeding pairs at the site we visited. Furthermore,
this suggests that there might be other breeding sites between the site we
visited and Meinilpygino. We were asked, incidently not to disclose the
location of the site lest egg-collectors visit it.
Enjoy, it's free!
Dr John Penhallurick
86 Bingley Cres
Fraser A.C.T. 2615
Phone: Home (612) 62585428
sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt Aeneid Book 1,line 462 "The
world is a world of tears, and the burdens of mortality touch the heart."
Magna est veritas et praevilabit Vulgate, Book of Edras
Si vis pacem para bellum Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publius_Flavius_Vegetius_Renatus> 's De Re
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Re_Militari> Militari, book 3
Please visit my website: http://www.worldbirdinfo.net
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