SOSSA is pleased to announce that it has updated its website, so please
have a look. The address is
We have updated many of the links and content on the site and have plans
to introduce further features.
One of the main changes however, is the addition of a forum for
discussions and photos of sea birds. The forum can be accessed via the
home page or by the following link
There isn't much content there at the moment, however this will change
in the weeks ahead.
Viewing and using the forum is free and open to all. We see it as
complementing Birding-Aus, as it can be used to take discussions
further, by allowing the hosting of photos and data (copyright remains
with the poster). David James has kindly posted an example of this and
taken the Red-billed Gull v Silver Gull discussion a bit further by
adding photos. You can find it on this link
You only need to register if you want to post, all forum content s
available for viewing by the general public. As a note to anyone
attempting to join, some usernames may get caught up in our anti spam
software, so if you have any trouble registering, please email
Please be patient if emailing this
address, however we will endeavour to rectify any problems as soon as
A few things important to note on using the forum,
1. Photos can be a maximum of 1024 pixels at their widest point and a
maximum of 300kb to be able to be uploaded to the site.
2. Currently, advertising of any kind and promotion of other websites is
not permitted, except for personal, non-commercial photo galleries in
the posters signature. Non-SOSSA trips are not permitted to be
advertised, although trip reports from other pelagics are welcome. All
attempts to circumvent this will be deleted and the posters banned.
There are a number of other rules of the site, similar to those found on
other forums and users must agree to these before they can post. They
can be found under the sites terms and conditions.
We hope the site will become a useful resource for people interested in
seabirds and that you enjoy it.
Any comments or queries are welcome at
Thank you from the SOSSA Team
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