Wow, thanks for all the help everyone.
So many good places to check out. Seems like Azure Kingfishers are at most
of the sites i'm looking at which is great news.Little Kingfisher still
seems a bit iffy but I might just be wary from having dipped on them in the
Queensland trip.
The dawn cruise at Yellow Waters also sounds very promising, even if they
aren't too bird-orienting I can still get some some croc pics. (how many
times can you see them though?)
The extraction area along the Arnhem Highway sounds great as well. Really
want to see a lot of the finches and that seems like a nice easy way to do
I think I'm going to give Gunlom Falls a pass. I'll be carrying some heavy
camera gear and I get discouraged pretty quickly when I don't find anything
right away.
Also i'm imagining myself walking along the sandstone in the full sun
without hearing or seeing any birds, not a good thought :P (although with
the Melbourne weather right now....)
And I'm gonna try for the Rufous Owl, I can't resist :)
Anyway once again, thanks everyone. The replies have been so helpful, makes
me wish I could spend more time there just to see everything.
On 19 May 2010 20:55, Jeremy Weiss <> wrote:
> Hello,
> First I want to thank everyone for the great advice I got for my trip to
> North Queensland at the end of February. Easily the best trip of my life,
> photographing Azure Kingfishers along the Daintree river was incredible.
> Now I'm going to be in the Northern Territory in June from the afternoon of
> the 13th to the morning of the 19th. I thought I'd get some feedback on
> locations and where to see birds.
> My main target is the Little Kingfisher which I managed to miss while in
> Queensland :/
> Right now the plan is to spend:
> Sunday night in Darwin
> Monday morning looking around Howard Springs then exploring the Darwin
> area, maybe going to Buffalo Creek.
> Then on to Jabiru, arriving there Monday night.
> Spend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night in Jabiru
> Spend Thursday and Friday nights at Eden near Fogg Dam, leaving Darwin
> early Saturday morning.
> I just wanted to make sure of a few things before locking it down.
> First, is the Rufous Owl in the Darwin Botanical Gardens fairly easy to
> find?
> It's the main reason for the first night in Darwin otherwise I would go
> straight to Jabiru and just see Howard Springs on the Friday.
> Also I don't really know that much about the Kakadu area, is it best just
> to take random walks in the area? I was thinking of visiting Gunlom falls,
> maybe looking for the White-throated Grasswren but if there aren't many
> other birds in that area I might skip it.
> Next, what's the best place for Little and Azure Kingfishers? I've read
> some trip reports and Fogg Dam and Howard Springs both seem to have them,
> just wondering how likely I am to find them in either spot.
> And finally is the Yellow Waters river cruise worth taking? Again mainly
> got Kignfishers on the brain :P
> Thanks for any advice, I know I'm asking a lot but the North Queensland
> trip was so good, it set the bar pretty high for me :)
> Regards,
> Jeremy
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