Hi Rob,
I would suggest your bird is a young Broad-billed Flycatcher. The pale
face and lores and the buff edges to the wing feathers would fit for
juvenile Broad-billed. The bill also does seem very broad. The lack of
colour on the breast would also fit.
It also just seems 'different' to a Leaden for me :)
Happy to be corrected too.
David Stowe
On 16/04/2010, at 7:44 PM, Rob Geraghty wrote:
Hi Everyone,
It's been suggested that the Flycatcher I saw at Fogg Dam was a Broad-
billed Flycatcher not a female Leaden Flycatcher. Both species are
recorded at Fogg Dam. By comparing my photos with the images and
descriptions in the Simpson & Day Field Guide (7th Edition), I believe
it's a Leaden Flycatcher because:
1. The wings appear to be more brown and less grey
2. The throat colouration is only faintly rufous
3. The distribution of the Broad-billed Flycatcher is described as
being more coastal (yes, I realise that it has been recorded at the
4. In the Leaden Flycatcher description it says the "wings, tail
feathers, [are] pale edged, diffused into underparts".
I have two photos;
I'd appreciate any feedback as to why people might feel that it is one
specis or the other, and why. I should add that I'm happy to be
corrected with my ID, but I'd like to be convinced why my ID is
incorrect. :)
My apologies for the poor images - the light in the monsoon forest was
not great, I was too far away with a low contrast 300mm lens and using
a camera that I'm still getting to know.
Rob Geraghty
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