Great stuff Bob - brilliant report - you got me excited and in planning mode
already!! Like others - whats your spin on when you think it will be best -
perhaps Septemberish? cheers David Taylor
On 05/03/2010, at 7:19 PM, Robert Inglis wrote:
> Hi all,
> Members of this forum and birdwatchers in general who are familiar, or would
> like to be familiar, with that part of Queensland which is currently
> experiencing the greatest floods for, in some cases, over 100 years must
> surely be watching this event with a mixture of compassion and great
> anticipation.
> Over the past 35 years I have visited towns and locations such as St George,
> Bollon , Charleville, Thargomindah, Cunnamulla, Hungerford, Lake Bindegolly,
> Currawinya NP many times both for work and play. My heart goes out to the
> people of that area knowing what trials and travails they are being put
> through just now. But my heart also speeds up and pumps harder knowing what
> the results of this tremendous inundation will bring that will benefit that
> part of Queensland and other parts of Australia.
> Later this year that part of Queensland should explode in a cascade of colour
> as the wildflowers burst forth to create a spectacle which will leave the
> fabled wildflower scenes of Western Australia for dead!
> You don't believe me? Go take a look!
> I have had the privileged experience of being in that 'country' when the
> wildflowers were at their best - a long time ago, yes, but, believe me, I
> have never seen such colours and scenes elsewhere in this most awesome of
> countries.
> Queenslanders, WA is great but SW Qld is the best is just
> down the road.
> I, for one, am already planning to visit SW Qld later this year. It has been
> a long time since I saw Lake Bindegolly and the lakes of Currawinya NP full
> and I pine to see that spectacle again.
> I can imagine myself going 'troppo' photographing the vast variety of tiny
> wild flowers and I might even indulge in a fantasy I have long had -
> strolling naked through a vast sea of pure white everlasting daisies. I
> hasten to advise that anyone taking the trip to there on the off chance that
> they might witness that event should think twice - my ego would be severely
> chastened knowing that no one was looking at me.
> Seriously, I suggest that as many of us as possible make the journey to SW
> Qld later this year to see what nature can produce and also to spend some of
> our ill-gotten gains there for the benefit of the long suffering locals.
> You never know, there might also be masses of birds. The last time I saw Lake
> Bindegolly full I gave up counting the Hoary-headed Grebes at two thousand.
> And Freckled Ducks............well.......
> I am breathless in anticipation.
> Bob Inglis
> Sandstone Point
> Qld
> Australia
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