I'm in front of it actual .
-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Clifford
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 4:27 PM
To: Tony Russell
Cc: 'Peter Shute'; ;
Subject: Social Media for birders.
What are you doing behind a computer then? Or is the Butler doing it
for you?:-)
Carl Clifford
On 30/12/2009, at 4:52 PM, Tony Russell wrote:
I have none of these time wasting gadgets.
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Peter Shute
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 4:11 PM
To: ;
Subject: Social Media for birders.
I have less than 20 Facebook friends. If they all get chatty, it can
take a while to work through it all, especially if some are running
applications that post results, etc, on my page. What would it be like
with 100, let alone 5000?
Have you tried it? Do conversations just get lost?
Why replace the Blackberry with an iPhone? It might not do quite
everything the other can, but if you've already got it ...
Peter Shute
Sent using BlackBerry