I think this hints at a bigger issue. We all use timber and timber products
and so trees are cut down for our use. This will have impacts on the flora
and fauna in the forest that is harvested. One way to stop these impacts is
to ban logging in Australia. Wow, great we all feel good because of the bush
that has been saved. But we are still using timber products, many of which
are imported from countries that have no controls on logging practices. From
my works with what is now Forests NSW I know that there are prescriptions on
what can be harvested and there are strict controls placed on harvesting
operations to protect biodiversity and water quality etc. Sure these may not
be perfect and may (will?) be ignored if the people involved think they can
get away with it, but at least there are controls over what is done.
So the question is this, do we want to 'save' our forests at the expense of
the plants and animals in other countries where there are no environmental
controls, or do we want to take responsibility for our own timber needs and
manage forest for both wildlife and wood production (yes, it can be done).
Graham Turner