
Re: NSW, Sydney, Victoria Park: 300 Little Corellas

To: <>
Subject: Re: NSW, Sydney, Victoria Park: 300 Little Corellas
From: "Roger Giller" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:57:22 +1100
Hi all

There is also a flock of Little Corellas around Carss Park and Kogarah Bay in southern Sydney. I first noted them about ten years ago, before I was serious about birding. At that time there were only a dozen or so, but the number seems to have increased dramatically over the last year or two and I would guess there are now more like a hundred at times. My father lives in the area so I visit it almost weekly. I have had a cursory look for Long-billed, but not spotted any so far. I might have a better look tomorrow.

Roger Giller.

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