Hi Rob,
I am just going through the whole "Looking for Binoculars" thing at present.
The 10X50s that I had before I started birding are OK except that the "close
focus" is too far at 10 metres. Anything nearer and I can not get it in
focus. It might not sound like much of a problem but closer focus is needed
for bush birds flitting about in poor light or on the forest floor. Close
focus is rarely mentioned in advertisements, and even in a lot of
manufacturers "specifications". I am looking at a set of 8X42 from Andrews
Communications in Sydney. They focus down to 2 metres. I chose 8X as a good
magnification without being too high to hold steady. 42mm aperture gives
extra light gathering power, not needed in open country in daylight but
very useful in poor light conditions. Also have a look at the Barska range
at Australian Geographic stores. I think they have more models in-store
than on-line.
Both these are in the cheap to medium price range. If you can afford to buy
better, do so, but check the close focus.