> This is most likely a foolish question but, having said that ... I saw what
> I took to be a black faced cuckoo-shrike today in the park. It attracted my
> attention because it was doing something that I thought was a bit odd - it
> was gliding, seemingly watching for prey on the ground, then flapping
> ungainly for a time, then more gliding.
> The bird did a large loop and then came back to a prominent perch in a low
> tree.
> The reason I thought it was odd was because I thought they hunted on the
> wing but this bird seemed to be looking for prey on the ground.
> Is this odd for this bird or am I just far too inexperienced?
> cheers
> storm
I have often seen BFCS do this, particularly in Spring. I think it's a display
presumably claiming nesting territory or advertising for a mate.
They take a lot of prey in tree-top foliage - caterpillars, cicadas etc.
Anthea Fleming
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