Gooday all
I have a flat bed scanner with a facility in the lid of the scanner in
which one can fit negatives or slides and scan them. The unit is a
popular name brand. The results are generally awful but occasionally
something scans OK. A friend has a dedicated slide scanner, Nikon I
think, that apparently gives excellent results.
Greg Little
Greg Little - Principal Consultant
General Flora and Fauna
PO Box 526
Wallsend, NSW, 2287, Australia
Ph 02 49 556609
Fx 02 49 556671
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Peteriw
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2007 10:56 AM
Subject: slide scanners and/or services
Hi all
Slightly off-topic (but not entirely, as most of my slides are of birds)
- I have close to 10,000 slides and was thinking of converting them to
digital images. I've started investigating slide scanners but the
thought of the amount of work involved is slightly offputting.
Is there anyone who has used and is prepared to comment on a commercial
slide scanning service? A simple google lists many australian-based
services with vastly varying prices.
Alternatively, is there anyone who has recently purchased a good quality
slide scanner and can provide feedback?
Thanks in advance,
Peter Waanders
Waikerie, SA
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