I'd like to really discourage the use of mouse traps as a control method for
silver gulls or any other bird.
The damage may appear superficial when it first occurs however, anyone who
has had a crush injury will attest, bruising takes some time to come out.
There also the possibility of infection with the attendant risk of necrosis.
The feet of silver gulls are not as tough and robust as our fingers (for
example) and if we hurt ourselves we can lay off and rest the area. Free
living birds do not have that luxury.
If you must use a mouse trap please cover them with newspaper, a tea towel
or some other thin material, so that the bird is frightened by the noise,
rather than actually caught.
It also is worth while remembering that silver gulls are protected as native
fauna in most (if not all) states and that penalties apply for harming them.
The original poster could contact NPWS in his state for some advice about
legal control methods.
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