As far as I can recall (don't have it handy at the moment) Clements 5th
Edition had the Aussie B/S Kite as "Australian Kite" and used
Black-shouldered for the Eurasian one!- of course there is now a 6th edition
which I don't yet have so maybe it is changed there?
On 27/07/07, <> wrote:
> Hi Michael and others,
> here a slight diversion from the jabiru thread. You mention the
> Black-shouldered Kite. To my knowlegde all "Black-shouldered Kites"
> have different english names since split:
> Australia: Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus axillaris, Australische Grijze
> Wouw)
> Europa (Asia?): Black-winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus, Grijze Wouw)
> New world: White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus, Amerikaanse Grijze Wouw)
> (Dutch names thrown in for fun)
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