Until recently I can't recall hearing of your Newcastle sighting and I
can't recall it coming before BARC. I presume therefore that it didn't go to
the NSW records committee either because they would normally pass on such
rarities. As you say they could be annual visitors but we are never going to
know that unless observers push their claims. What date did you see it and
what were the diagnostic features that led you to conclude that ID? You
should submit it now.
Chris Doughty & I published a record in ABW of one we saw in Westernport
Bay, Victoria, in the 70's when it was regarded as just a race and little
was known about the more subtle structural features. Now every time I refer
to the species in HANZAB, like the rest of the world, I read that the record
is 'unacceptable'. And I agree! At one time, that might have embarrassed me,
but knowing as I do now, just how hard they are to clinch, I regard the
publication as a contribution to the evolving debate which continues today.
Mike Carter
30 Canadian Bay Road
Mt Eliza VIC 3930
Ph: (03) 9787 7136