
Satin Flycatcher & Striped Honeyeaters

To: "Neil KIRBY" <>
Subject: Satin Flycatcher & Striped Honeyeaters
From: "alan morris" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 12:50:13 +1100

You had some good observations there!

The best of my morning walk before the rain came today was a Striped Honeyeater feeding young in the nest at Berkeley Creek, Berkeley Vale and two seperate nests of Magpie-larks feeding young in the nest, a Red Wattlebird with a juvenile Koel just out of the nest, which it was defending against all comers like Common Mynas, Magpielarks & Pied Currawong; Magpie with 2 dependant young and Australian Raven with 2 flying young..
The Striped Honeyeater, Willie Wagtail and one of Magpie-lark nests were all 
in adjoining Swamp Oak  trees overhanging Berkeley Creek.
Alan Morris 

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