On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 07:41:50AM +1000, alan morris wrote:
> Koel Cuckoos were first reported by Mike Todd on 30/8 near Toronto and then
> one a McMasters beach today 9/9 by Mike Barth.
Marnix Zwankhuizen mentioned a Koel at Blackheath (I guess about a week ago)
in a trip report posted to canberrabirds.
On a different topic, my free local paper (The Glebe) has this:
"The National Parks & Wildlife Foundation" wants Inner West residents to
help monitor the distribution of endangered species. Concerns are held
for several local species including the grass owl, regent honeyeater
and superb fruit-dove because there have no recorded sightings in the
past year".
I guess Regent Honeyeater might have frequented Leichhardt a century or so
ago. Maybe there are vagrant records for inner west Sydney the other two?
Presumably the paper has mangled a press release.
Andrew Taylor
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