The following report might interest subscribers to Birding-Aus.
Alan Morris was planning the annual activity list for Central Coast Birding
NSW when he said, "Margaret, I think it is time you arranged with your rels
for us to do a Riverina Camp-out." It was all arranged with a few phone
calls and a letter or two. The shearing would be finished and in a few weeks
lambing would commence, if we timed our visit for the Anzac Weekend.
Even the weather was unseasonably warm and calm. Some excellent summer
rainfalls had been followed by plagues of locusts that had devoured most
green things.
Twelve members, and a Sydney visitor, made their separate ways to "Willow
Grove" by 8.30am on 23rd April 2005 and camped at the shearers quarters.
John and Glenis Nevinson were our guides. They led us south to the Delta
Creek (dry) and after a short walk through blue bush and cane-grass the
first of a flock of about 15 Blue-winged Parrots was disturbed. John and
Glenis's son, Robert, and his two little sons joined us there. Robert is a
skilled birder used to leading tours. Brilliant Orange Chat, White-fronted
Chat , several Wedge-tailed Eagle, Brown Songlark, Brown Falcon,
White-winged Wren and Black-faced Woodswallows were soon added to our list.
Banded Lapwing, Richards Pipit, several Emu, Zebra Finch and Mallee Ringneck
were near the clump of ancient River-red Gum that sheltered our morning tea
Next we went via Cobb Highway to Booroorban and were joined by David
Nevinson and his son and daughter, who live at "Parkview". David had spent
several hours unsuccessfully searching for Bush Thick-knees and
Chestnut-crowned Babblers which are seen there from time to time. Near the
creek in a clump of grey box the calls of hundreds of woodswallow-
White-browed, Masked and Black-faced could be heard as they flew, fed and
rested. Common Bronze-wing, Peaceful Dove, Weebil, Spiny-cheeked, Singing
and White-plumed Honeyeaters were recorded along with Red-capped Robin,
Black Kite, Blue Bonnet, Southern White-face, White-winged Chough and Little
Raven. We lunched on the timbered sandhills at "Double Huts". Two Pallid
Cuckoo, Jacky Winter, Horsfields Bronze Cuckoo and Black faced Cuckoo-shrike
were nearby. As we drove back to "The Ranch" 3 Ground Cuckoo Shrike were
seen and a Black Falcon flew by. Robert Nevinson's keen eyes located a
White-necked Heron feeding in the drain of a distant dam.
Phil Maher came along for the night-search and John, David and Robert
brought their crated utes. Robert N. located a beautiful female Plains
Wanderer and we all had excellent views. For many of us this bird was a
first sighting. Many Richard's Pipit, several Singing Bushlark and a Brown
Songlark took wing in the spotlights, but a male Stubble Quail, a pair of
Inland Dotterel and several Banded Lapwing held so we could see them
clearly. It was a very early and successful night in perfect warm weather.
24 April 05.
We left for Deniliquin early and just north of Pretty Pine 15 colourful
Superb Parrots were seen feeding in eucalypts close to the road. In
Deniliquin's Waring Gardens, Phil Maher was waiting for us. We saw Yellow
Thornbill, Blackbirds, Long-billed Corella, Yellow Rosella, Black Duck and
Hundreds of Rock Pigeon. Riverina Field Naturalist Members had discovered a
Bustard at the airport paddocks the previous day. It was still there for us
to see. A rare sight in the Riverina now days. Next stop was in Gulpa S.F
where White-breasted Woodswallow, Golden Whistler, Varied Sittella, Striated
Pardalote, Superb Wren, White-browed Scrubwren were seen but Gilberts
Whistler would not answer to repeated taped calls.
A special family barbeque had been arranged for the Nevinsons and Pointers
so Phil Maher very capably lead the birders for the rest of the day.
At "Willow Dell" we saw Hoary-headed and Australian Grebe, Black-tailed
Native-hen, Dusky Moorhen, Blue-faced Honeyeater, Red-kneed Dotterel and
Cattle Egret. In the garden there were 8 Apostle Birds. It was pleasing to
see so many in the flock in an old haunt that for several years had only
three members.
25th April 2005
Except for 1 member, who had to leave early, we all met at Wanganella Park
for Conargo Shire Anzac Day Service. The service was inspiring and the
morning tea spread in the hall amazed the visiting birders. Those birders
who remained went to Wanganella Weir, Billabong Creek, where a Whistling
Kite watched from a perch above the creek. A flock of Grey-crowned Babbler,
White-plumed and Singing Honeyeater, Rufous Whistler, Weebil, Brown and
White-throated Treecreeper, Yellow-throated Miner and a unfortunate dead
Barn Owl were listed.
With only 6 birder visitors left we drove out to the "Zara" Sandhills, a
Riverina.Field.Naturalist fenced Reserve. Western Warblers sang beautifully.
We saw our first Tasmanian Silvereyes in the hop scrub. Other birds for our
list were Yellow-rumped and Chestnut-rumped Thornbill, Rufous and Golden
Whistler and Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater. As we headed back to camp, we saw a
lone Pelican on a small dam at "Avenel" and 40+ Banded Lapwing on "South
Ranch". John and Glenis took us over to some old Grey Box trees near "The
Ranch" HSD. John scraped the bark on a trunk with a stick and out flew an
Owlet Nightjar. The poor thing was immediately set-upon by Noisy Miner, but
found another hole and peered out while cameras clicked. A Barn Owl flew out
of another tree.
So ended a great weekend. It was a pleasure for me to be able to show our
Central Coast friends my old home territory and introduce them to some of my
family who are a bird club on their own.
Margaret Pointer
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