Recently at a computer store in a NQ town there was
an attempted break-in at night. Two button-quail were seen to vacate
the area. After exhaustive investigation with local birding guides it is thought
that the button-quail were probably of the Buff-breasted variety which are
listed as vulnerable and rare. It was surprising that this species would be in a
public area.
It is believed that the
birds may have needed to get a computer to get on Birding-aus. It
transpires that recently intimate details of their home range was put on the
Internet by southern twitchers who had little regard for the
button-quails' security. Because of this, it is thought that the birds can
expect further unwanted disturbance and that would prompt them to disperse
immediately (in their breeding season). In view of the fact that local
birders are seeking to secure a future for these
little-known birds, this
action does absolutely nothing to enhance
the process.
Authorities are not able to
issue a photograph of the suspect button-quail simply because
no photograph exists.
Investigations are
Del. Richards, Mossman, NQ.
Regional Contact Officer, Birds