Spent a few hours on the early
Saturday morning at Prospect Reservoir with David Mitford and saw a
number of interesting birds including good close views of Great
Crested Grebes, a Nankeen Night Heron, 4 Hardheads, 12 Whistling Kites, a
brilliant pair of adult White-bellied Sea-eagles, great views of a
Buff-banded Rail, 40-50 Whiskered Terns, a Pallid Cuckoo, Dollarbird, a few
White-winged Trillers, one (and heard another) Rufous Fantails, White-throated
Gerygones, Scarlet Honyeaters and Olive-backed Orioles. We also heard a
Brown Quail and a Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo and saw 5 Eastern Grey Kangaroos on
the edge of the woodland.
We heard a strange call from the reeds coming from
a Reed Warbler (a call I have never heard before) and we supected whether it
could have been a Great Reed Warbler, so I got out my BOC tape (which
I had handy) and played the Great Reed Warbler call (the tape unfortunately had
only the song call of the Great Reed Warbler) and the bird popped out of the
reeds and continued making the strange call. However when I then played the next
call, that of the Clamorous Reed Warbler it (or another bird called back
from nearby). Does anybody know where I can get access to a Great Reed Warbler
call (not its song as I have on the BOC and other tape)?
Also it was interersting to see about a
hundred or so Australian Ravens flying close to each other over
the woodland (its not just the Little Raven's that flock).
Edwin Vella