On Saturday, June 21, 2003, at 10:51 AM, Penn Gwynne wrote:
JAG waddles off to fish feed his Pelicans.
Speaking of pelicans, I added the species to my commuter list [bringing
the total to 43] when I saw one paddling along the retaining wall
beside the Maritime Museum yesterday.
I had been thinking about pelicans after a recent lunch-time visit to
the Roma St Parklands in Brisbane the other day, where I noticed that
Oz grebes, dusky moorhens and hard heads had taken up residence in the
major waterbody, and that there were large perch-sized fish eating the
algae growing on the waterweed. It got me wondering how long it would
take the pelicans to realise that there was an easy feed to be had
Basically the parklands are a year or so old now, and it has been
interesting to watch the progressive colonisation of the place by the
birds as the vegetation develops and the birds decide to drop in.
Perhaps, one day, we will see the odd rail or crake lurking in the
Regards, Laurie.
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