And off the same website, a reference to an earlier conversation;
Sitting in the Woods Corollary - The bird will be seen by others only after
you have snuck into the woods to take care of biological responsibilities.
and I quite liked this one;
Arie's Nemesis Theory - If you don't see the bird within a certain amount of
tries, it becomes insulted and deliberately avoids you from then on. (Arie
> According to this website, it's "Elizabeth's Consideration":
> "Elizabeth's Consideration - The bird that you struggle through
> difficult terrain, endure multiple injuries and screw up your
> schedule for, will be waiting for you above your car in the
> parking lot. (Elizabeth Miller?)
> Pamela's Considerate Corollary - When one non-birder stays behind
> in the car while the birders go on an expedition for a target bird,
> the non-birder will report having had wonderful looks at the bird
> when everyone returns."
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Paul Taylor Veni, vidi, tici -
> I came, I saw, I ticked.
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