& Birding-Ausers
On an
old list of specialised terms for bird groups that I think was put out by the
W.A. Naturalist Club in the 60's we have "a colony of gulls" and a "murder of
crows' but nothing for ravens.
Have a
good day in the world of ornithology
========== Dr Mike Tarburton Dean: School of Science &
Technology Pacific Adventist University PMB Boroko Papua New
Jim Reside wrote:
Hello Folks, Just a request for some bird trivia information. A
young friend has been asked to find out what the collective _expression_ is
for a group of Ravens and a group of Gulls. I have only heard of people
referring to a "murder" of Crows, I think, and assumed that it referred to
both Crows and Ravens. I have never encountered something for Gulls other
than a flock. I hope somebody can enlighten me and my young
friend. Thanks, Jim
A quick search of 'Google' under 'collective nouns' turned up a site - http://www.ojohaven.com/collectives/
- which also (yes it had a "murder of crows") offered a "colony of gulls" and
an "unkindness of ravens" - the latter sounds a bit odd.
Judy Philip Adelaide, South Australia