Good evening folks.
I will be camping at Swan Hill with the family for
a few days in September, and hope to have the chance to fit some birding in
amongst other family activities (especially early morning when the rest of the
family rate sleeping in as a high holiday priority activity). I'd be
grateful if some of those familiar with the area could provide some guidance on
good locations to check out, especially within say 30 km of Swan Hill
city. In particular, can anyone advise if it is possible to gain birding
access to the Swan Hill sewage treatment site? Also, exactly where is the
Goschen Bushland Reserve, and how is it accessible?
I'm familiar with most of the bird species we might
encounter, so my "wish-list" is quite small - I'd love to get a look at Orange
or Crimson Chats, and to look for Australian Pratincoles if anyone can suggest a
good spot. I presume we'll be a bit far downstream to have much chance of
Superb Parrots. Otherwise, I'm interested in looking through any bits of
good habitat to see what I can find, and I'll be putting in Atlas sheets and
making my lists available to anyone who is interested..
I've had a look in the archive and saw a reference
to "Birds of the Barham District" by the late Peter Disher - does anyone know if
where it might be obtainable? Most grateful for any advice anyone can