I agree with Reg and am generally disappointed when I find plenty of
Angophora costata blossom but few birds feeding on it. It seems to
contrast with eg. box and ironbarks.
Is there evidence that some flowering eucs. / angophoras are better
bird-attractors than others?
Hello all,
Further to my note of yesterday, a female Common Koel appeared followed by a
single male, late in the afternoon and a rather raucous duet ensued. I
suspect that all this attention follows the blooming of the Angophora
costata which is filling the valley behind my place with masses of white
lace. The larger honeyeaters (Wattlebirds , Noisy miners) seem to be
attracted, there are no others, which seems odd.The wattlebirds and noisy
miners do not apparently feed from the bloom but seem to be catching
insects. Perhaps angophoras are not very productive of nectar.There is such
a mass of blossom that this lack of interest by the smaller honeyeaters
cannot be simply due to the aggressiveness of the larger birds, in fact not
even the Rainbow Lorikeets are feeding off it.
Andy Burton's Bush Tours
12/8 Cambridge St,
NSW 2062
Ph 61 2 9954 0893
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