Hi Alex,
The Chestnut-rumped Heathwren deserves that place
on your elusives list! Janis recorded it in Goonoo State Forest I think.
When we spoke she said it was visible for all of 5 seconds! She left for
the Flinders area this morning and won't be back for 2 weeks - but I will check
when she returns for precise location details.
I don't know where the Forbes/Parkes people saw the
Spotted Quail-thrush, but will endeavour to find out and hopefully post answers
to both bird questions in a couple of weeks.
SOMETHING DIFFERENT: While we were searching
for birds for the Birdcount, we clearly heard
an Olive-backed Oriole calling.
Couldn't find it though. Then a Noisy Miner flew in, perched and
called. Watching it with binoculars to be certain that it was not a
Yellow-throated, I saw it open its beak and call "Orry-orry-ole". Pointed
this out to my friend who was disbelieving at first, but could then hear that
the oriole call was coming from the beak of a Noisy Miner. The miner continued
with that call a few more times, then sang some different songs. Can
someone tell me if they usually mimic other birds? Or have I previously
missed a very oriole-ish part of their normal repertoire?
Regards, Judie