Some time ago questions were asked about Silky Oaks and birdlife. A number
of responses were provided but last weekend I was staying at my mother's
house on the northern end of the Gold Coast (Southport). In the
neighbouring property immediately behind her house there are a number of
LARGE trees. Some are exotics (AfricanTulip) but there is one Silky Oak
which would be approaching 20 to 25 metres in height. I remember it as a
mature tree at least 30 years ago.
During the day I heard a great "kerfuffle" from the trees and raced outside
to see what had triggered all the alarm calls. I searched the sky for a
raptor but saw nothing. It was too cold for a snake but suddenly I realised
that there was a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo near the top of the Silky Oak.
The other birds were objecting strongly to the intruder.
When I looked closely, I realised that there were at least 8 species in that
one Silky Oak at the one time. The list: Sulphur-crested Cockatoo,
Rainbow Lorikeet, Scaly-breasted Lorikeet, Spotted Turtle-dove, Noisy
Friarbird, Noisy Miner, Magpie-lark, Magpie.
These were only the species in the Silky Oak with others in other trees and
the White Ibis on the lawn. I have only just realised that although it is
in surburbia, I have not seen a Sparrow, Starling or Myna during a number of
visits over the last 4 months. What a change from my place.
Terry Pacey
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