Well, the Adelaide area has been devoid/short of Pelis for the last couple
of months so some of those in The Lake are probably ours.
At 10:36 22/05/00 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>There's been a fair bit of comment about the Lake Eyre Pelicans
>in their hundreds/thousands but I'd like to pose the question
>of "Where have they come from?"
>For a couple of years I've been running regular, monthly surveys
>of coastal raptors in southern Moreton Bay, (just south of Brisbane),
>funded by Coastcare. We follow a set course (70+ km) and go
>at much the same time and tides each time.
>In addition to the raptors, we count other birds including Pelis and,
>although I haven't looked over the numbers in detail, my impression
>is that there has been no drop in Peli numbers. We had a trip
>yesterday in glorious weather (for a change) and saw a good number
>of Pelis. My count sheets are at home so I can't give actual nubmers
>off hand.
>This would suggest that the Lake Eyre Pelis are not from Moreton Bay,
>so where have they come from? Is anyone else doing coastal counts
>and has anyone noticed any decline in Pelis at their local spot?
>It will also be interesting to see if there is any noticeable
>increase in nos. later in the year as immatures make their way
>to the coast.
>Dr Peter Woodall email =
>Division of Vet Pathology & Anatomy
>School of Veterinary Science. Phone = +61 7 3365 2300
>The University of Queensland Fax = +61 7 3365 1355
>Brisbane, Qld, Australia 4072 WWW =
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