Herewith a translation, in case anyone was left wondering what all this was
Dear ornithologists,
The year 2000 return migration has begun -- the first returners are already
We are inviting you to experience the return to Europe of nine species (eight of
which breed in Switzerland) 'on.line'. Please report your first observations
Redstart, Cuckoo, Swift, Blackcap, Nightingale, Red-backed Shrike, Swallow, and
White Stork, to [address as given]. The European maps will be updated daily.
more people who join in, the more interesting it will be.
[It is not clear why only 8 species are listed.]
Victor Yue wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have taken the liberty to forward this posting in the GermanBirdNet to this
> list, thinking that some of you might be interested in the migration tracking
> in
> Europe. I think it is a great idea if we could so something like this not only
> for Australia, but maybe for the "Asian Migration Highway" (^^)
> This website is in four languages.
> Victor Yue
> Singapore