Dear Seabirders,
On Sunday September 26th 1999 an Amsterdam Albatross Diomedea amsterdamensis
captured and banded at sea off Wollongong NSW by members of the New South Wales
Albatross Study Group NSWASG,SOSSA). This is the first record of this species
rarest of the worlds albatrosses) for NSW and only the second record of the
species in
Australian waters.
The bird was thought initially to be a female Antipodean albatross
D.antipodensis until
it was captured.
In the hand the dark cutting edge to the bill and Dark tip to both superior
(upper) and inferior unguicorn (lower) bill, indicated that the bird was an
Albatross. This later confirmed by morhpormetric data (measurements). SOSSA
has the
largest collection of morphormetric material for Antipodean albatrosses outside
of NZ.
Plumage characteristics and bill colouration were compared to many photographs
and video
Tapes which were taken of Antipodean albatrosses on the Antipodies Is NZ.
The sole purpose of this material was for use in identifying Antipodean
albatrosses from
all other Wandering albatrosses.
This has resulted in us being 100% certain of the identity of this bird as an
For further information, please contact SOSSA at the numbers below.
Lindsay Smith
SOSSA "Wildlife Research" H.Q - Wollongong
Southern Oceans Seabird Study Association Inc
Lindsay E. Smith & Janice G. Jenkin-Smith
Janice G. Jenkin.JP.,CMC. Civil Marriage Celebrant
P.O. Box 142, Unanderra NSW Australia 2526
Phone +61 (02) 4271 6004
Fax +61 (02) 4272 4626
Mobile 0418 603 007
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