G'day All,
Before I tell you all how to obtain the 3 day event coloring-in sheets
I thought I should let you know about the increase in numbers of the
wattle bird in and around Hastings on the Mornington Peninsula. A few
years back many of the residents of these parts decided to try and get
the local flora and fauna back to how it was before white man arrived.
Some did so failed but many got it right. Well looks like it is being
successful as the increase in the numbers of the Honeyeaters, Galahs,
and Eastern Rosella alone is happening this year.
Okay the coloring sheets, if you would like to save me some cash then
ask for them on floppy disk? they are on 1.44 format floppy disks and
all six images are in the .bmp ( windoze compatible ) image file
format. Print them up, color then in, and send them back before the 21
st. October, 1999.
Simple eh ?
For those that would like them sent as an email attachment? please send
an email to me requesting this.
As soon as I can, I will send them out to you. I would like eveyone to
start coloring at the same time but NOT complusory.
For those that can not do either of the above simply write me a letter
asking for coloring competition sheets.
John A. Gamblin,
1/1 Mullett Street,
Hastings, 3915,
Okay have fun and YES prizes will be awarded for the best entry. NO AGE
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