Would you say the shy birds live on the ground and non-shy birds in the
Dr. Wm. James Davis, Editor
Interpretive Birding Bulletin
On Wed, 5 May 1999, EDWIN VELLA wrote:
> Nick
> I have had a similar exeperience with filming Spotted Pardalotes on video.
> They are not camera shy ay all. On two occassions they have come too close
> that they are difficult to focus on. At times, after standing still for quite
> some time, I have had the birds being fairly curiuous and come to me within
> half a metre. I have also had similar experiences with Brown Gerygones and
> Large-billed Scrubwrens and the Yellow-bellied Sunbirds up north are also
> very approachable and easy to film. I got one on video at the Crocodile farm
> just south of Cairns singing away to its heart content. The bird was only a
> metre from the Camera lens. I wish all birds were like that, in particular
> Western Whipbird, Noisy Scubbirds etc !!!
> Edwin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick <>
> To: <>
> Date: Tuesday, May 04, 1999 10:13
> Subject: birding-aus pardalotes
> Hello all
> Not usually one for sentimental style birding experiences, but this was
> amazing...
> I was birding in Campbell Park in the ACT on the weekend, and was trying
> to photograph some sitella's which were doing their usual thing in a
> eucalypt, which had a wattle tree growing near its base. My camera was close
> to a branch of the wattle tree, and I saw a bird bounding down this branch.
> When it stopped i realised it was a female spotted pardalote. By this stage
> she was only about 1 metre from the end of my lens, and i was trying to back
> away so it would focus that closely - but the pardalote must have been camera
> shy, cause it proceeded to hop onto my lens and there was nothing i could do.
> It sat there on my lens for about 20 seconds before it jumped off. I wish i
> had a second camera to take a photo of that moment. Are pardalotes usually
> this confiding??
> Nick Leseberg
> P.S Does anyone know of somewhere close to Canberra where you can
> reliably see Painted Button-Quail??
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