Dear Aussie Birders ;
I had previous visited Australia and experienced the
Australian parrots in their wild habitats.
In 1993 I visited parrots sites at Darwin, Fogg Dam, Kakadu
National Park, Pine Creek, Katherine, Cairns, Crater
National Park, Iron Range National Park Cape York,
Mildura, Hattah-Kulkyne National Park, Murray River,
Mallee Reserves, Dandenong Ranges, Melbourne,
And in 1995 : Perth, Three Springs, Lancelin Islands,
Thomsons Lake, Northam, York, Katanning, Kojonup,
Boyup Brook, Collie, Adelaide, Morgan, Danggali
Conservation Park, Loxton, Renmark, Barossa Valley,
Kangaroo Island, Mount Gambier, Edenhope, Portland,
Albury, Chiltern Forest, Warby Rangers, Barmah Forest,
Mathoura, Gulpa State Forest, Rushworth-Ngambie,
I had watched many of the Australian Parrot species.
But I still miss to watch :
Princess Parrot ( Polytelis alexandrae )
Golden-shouldred Parrot ( Psephotus c. chrysopterygius )
Bourke's Parrot ( Neophema bourkii )
Budgerigar ( Melopsittacus undulatus )
((( And then - of course -
Ground Parrot ( Pezoporus wallicus )
Night Parrot ( Geopsittacus occidentalis ) )))
I am planning to visit Australia in 1999, mayby in September.
I do hope to see the above mentioned parrot species - and,
of course, also some of the other parrot-species.
And at this early stage of the preparation of my tour in 1999, I
am taking the liberty to kindly ask, if some of you can advice me,
if there are particular sites on which to concentrate to watch the
above mentioned parrot species ?
Where are the key centres for the above mentioned parrot
species ?
What time of the year would be the best to watch the
above mentioned parrot species ?
Would you be able to help me to get into touch with people
- ex. local rangers and bird-watchers - who had knowledge
to the areas and who can assist me to find the best spots
to watch the parrots ... ?
I would appreciate any informations, ideas and suggestions
about the best parrot birding places and parrot trip in Australia .....
You are most welcome to answer directly to me if you like.
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Peter H. Them,
DK - Denmark