Tom Tarrant posted a message about going to Beidahe. The autumn issue of
Australian Birding Magazine had an article by Alan Rogers, Neil Cheshire
and Tim Kenney about their trip to Beidahe in May last year, complete with
birdlist. It sounds terrific!
Other articles in the same issue were about Lord Howe and Norfolk Island,
Vietnam, West New Britain, and neophemas in se South Australia.
The winter issue in press at the moment includes Georgetown (Gulf of
Carpentaria), subAntactic islands, Peninsular Malaysia and PNG, as well as
book reviews, what birders have been seeing etc.
Also a new column on Birding on the Net by Tom himself!
As editor I am keen to publish any good original birding material
especially AUSTRALIAN articles. In particular, Birding-aus members often
ask questions which go something like this:
"I am going to have a weekend in Albury, Armidale, Broken Hill,
Canberra, Gladstone.......etc etc etc ...where should I go birdwatching to
make the most of this short time?"
I would love to publish a series of articles along these lines, written
either by people who live there and can supply information about their own
patch, or even by the people who asked for it "How I spent a productive
weekend in xxxx, with advice for other visitors". (No, South Australians
who just visited Geelong for the 3 wettest days I can remember here over 20
years, I don't think I'll publish your candid opinions of birdwatching here!)
If you're interested in doing this please contact me. Photographs which
will reproduce well in black and white are especially welcome - though
COLOUR is back in the winter issue.
Margaret Cameron
(Subs to Australian Birding Magazine are handled by Andrew Isles, $30 for 4
Margaret Cameron Phone 03 5229 9792
4 Connor Street Fax 03 5229 1520
East Geelong
Victoria 3219 Editor, Australian Birding Magazine
Australia PO Box 2013, Geelong, Victoria 3220