Even though it has rained around Parkes very
little is flowering or showing signs of flowering. This has ensured few birds.
The only regular Noisy Friarbirds seen is in my back yard feeding on a WA
flowering Gum along with two Little lorikeets.
In the scrub, after an all day search few birds were observed.
A small flock a Glossy Black Cockatoo's feeding on Drooping She-ak cones and a
pair of Hooded Robins. A blank was drawn at bumberry Dam a regular site for
Regents but the White Box has no buds. Only interesting bird was a single Grey
Fantail and Fuscous H/e.
A search of Cookamidgera SF finally turned up a few birds, a
single Western Gerygone calling, a couple of Black-chinned H/e and a flock of 8+
Swift Parrots flying swiftly through the canopy late in the afternoon. The Mugga
Ironbarks were not flowering nor was the Grey, White or Yellow Box. Birds were
few and far between, bloody hard work.
Neville Schrader