I am reliably informed that the NSW Minister for Land and Water
Conservation has lifted all remaining controls on clearing of river red
gums on freehold lands. Previously a Vegetation Management Officer at
least had the duty of inspection. Now there is apparently open slather.
This has occurred within the last week.
I have no further details at this stage. I am not even sure how much
land this affects or if this ruling also impacts on leasehold lands.
However the potential impact on remnant vegetation and therefore our
declining woodland birds need not be underlined ... especially if this
approach to vegetation management is an indication of how those
community vegetation management committees are likely to operate.
Please feel free to ensure that the Minister is aware that you wish to
have all remnant vegetation in NSW subject to clearing controls which
are effective. And please keep this information flowing in.
Brian Everingham
Hon Secretary
National Parks Association of NSW
ph 02 95209341