Since I posted the first mail that used the dreaded word "Pom", can I
put a personal perspective - growing up in England I always had some
interest in birds, but was never a "birder". When I first came to
Australia I was amazed at the birdlife - all these parrots flying
around my house in outer Melbourne. Previously I had thought of
parrots as an exotic bird of tropical jungles, yet here they were in
far from tropical Melbourne. I guess this stimulated my interest and
made me start birding.
Maybe if you grow up with this fantastic bird life you get used to it
and are less likely to be a keen birder than someone coming in from
outside who sees it as all new???
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Subject: introduced bird(er)s
Author: "Jo Wieneke" <> at ~pau-smtp
Date: 17/3/98 20:13
Without all the imports, Poms, Kiwis, Yanks, Rhodesian b.....ds etc, where
would Australian birding be today? In any gathering of birders, native born
ones often seem to be in the minority. This also seems to be the case with
birding-aus subscribers. Why are they such a rare sighting?
Jo Wieneke