I've seen my first Brown Songlark for the season about mid August this
year at Richmond (west of Sydney) where I''ve seen upto 20 birds in this
location in one summer. It was a male bird which was not calling. The
earliest I've seen them in this area is early October. I still haven't
seen any Rufous Songlark's yet in Sydney but like the Brown's, they vary
in numbers with about 15 birds seen one year at Richmond. White-winged
Triller number's also vary with 3 male birds calling within a km from
each other on one day. They are however more common out west over the
ranges than around Sydney.
From: birding-aus-owner[SMTP:
Sent: Friday, 19 September 1997 13:23
To: birding-aus
Subject: Brown Songlark early arrival
G'day all
I've just spotted my first Brown Songlark for the spring. It is about a
month earlier than usual.
Stephen Clark
Agriculture Victoria
Private Bag 105 HAMILTON 3300 Australia
Phone 0355 730 977 Fax 0355 711 523