At 12:08 PM 5/28/97 +1000, you wrote:
>> It had an unusual protozoal encephalitis and retinitis
>> (I can expand on this for those that are interested).
>I think at least of few of us on birding-aus would be interested
>when you have time.
Sure, the bird (a male) had marked endothelial hyperplasia and
intracytoplasmic granular parasitic cysts confined mainly to the
endothelium of arteioles in the brain and pecten although occasional cysts
were found in the kidney and lungs. Initial tests were positive for
Toxoplasma antigen (done at WA Dept. Agriculture), although repeat tests
performed by the US Dept of Agriculture indicated that the agent was not
Toxo but probably a new Theilerian parasite. We have since seen more than
a dozen similar cases (all female) in Kestrels from the Geraldton region.
It is an interesting disease, I only wish I had the resources to
investigate it further.
Dr Shane Raidal BVSc PhD MACVSc (Avian Health)
Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology
Department of Veterinary Biology and Biomedical Science
Division of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Murdoch University phone: +61 9 360 2418
Perth,WA, 6150 fax: +61 9 310 4144